Naruto shippūden: ultimate ninja storm 4

Ninja (playground game)

Ninja is a common playground game, where the objective is to take turns swiping at the opponent’s hands to eliminate them. The name originates from the feudal Japanese assassin. It is commonly played at meet-ups and conventions.

The rules of ninja are simple, and have only a few pivotal rules for play. In a game, players will stand in a circle, and place their hands together, the player leading the game will say «Bow to your sensei». There, the countdown begins, and each player must strike a pose. Players take turns attacking their opponents by swiping at their hands , and must freeze in place once their attack is finished. Defending players may dodge if they think they will be hit, and must also freeze once the attack is finished. If a player is hit, the hand that is hit is out but the other hand is still in. If a player misses, they must stop moving immediately. When both hands have been hit, the player is out and must stand back until there is one player left. The only player left is the winner. However, there have been variations to how children play the game, some exercise optional rules such as, the area that is hit, timed attacks or however the players want to change the game.

Rock Lee

There’s just something about one of the only characters in the game who can’t use ninjutsu that makes Rock Lee so damn cool. But coolness doesn’t win fights. What Rock Lee lacks in range, he more than makes up for in speed and ferocity.

Rock Lee is one of the fastest fighters and his long legs help with connecting all of his combos. His Awakened form dials up his damage output by quite a bit. His taijutsu is also fast and provides a juggle effect. The one issue with Rock Lee is you have to be in close range for pretty much everything, but with an endless flow of strikes, you’ll keep your opponent on their guard.

Multiplayer and Online Tips

When playing human players, you’ll need to watch out for what they are doing and change your style.

  • Many players will try to continue combos by constantly Chakra Dashing.

    You can stop this by simply using substitution or calling in support.

  • Jump.
    • You can jump of many attacks and jutsu and it catches the opponent off guard.
    • You can also hold block while in the air, but it is weaker than when on the ground.
    • If an opponent tries dashing to you while you are in the air, you can drop down and use it to your advantage by launching your own attack.
  • Use the counterattack.
    • While blocking a combo, you can press the throw projectile button to counterattack.
    • This is great when an opponent is in the middle of a combo, and you don’t want to use up a substitution. 
  • Manage your substitutions and watch your opponent’s substitutions.
    • Don’t just spam your substitution every time you are in the middle of a combo or jutsu. Save them for when you really need it.
    • Sometimes it is better to take a full combo if your opponent isn’t combo canceling. 
    • If you run out of substitutions, it will be easy for you to get hit by a Secret Technique. Likewise, watch for when your opponent uses all theirs and go on an aggressive offense. 

That’s all for my battle and online tips for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4. Let me know if you have any questions!

Secret Technique/Ultimate Jutsu Combo

Secret Techniques, which used be called Ultimate Jutsu in the previous games, are when you load up charkra 2 or 3 times then attack. Your character glows blue for normal and orange for team jutsu.

You can combo into secret techniques to make them easier to hit.

Combo Canceling 

You can also use a Ninja Move in the middle of a combo, and then immediately use a Secret Technique. This will also do more damage then if you hit them normally with it.

Leader Switch Combo 

You can switch to support while doing a combo, then immediately use a Secret Technique. This is the method that is most successful for me. When you switch leaders during a combo, the new leader charges into the enemy. This gives you opportunity to catch them off guard and hit them with the attack before they can substitute.

You can also switch after using a substitution when your opponent is in the middle of a combo, then use a Secret Technique.

These methods also make it easier to land the team Secret Technique if your team gauge is full.


When it comes to range, nobody can mess with the puppet masters. Chief among them is Akatsuki member Sasori. When used properly, you can destroy your opponents without ever coming within stricking distance. Sasori does have a huge weakness that you must keep tabs on if you want to win, but he’s still worthy of being on this list.

Sasori uses a puppet to do all of his bidding; that covers attacking and defending. The puppet doesn’t have a range, so it can attack anyone at any distance while keeping Sasori safely in the back. If the player wielding Sasori can keep tabs on the opponent at all times, a well-placed Substitition Jutsu will keep you completely safe.

Это руководство расскажет, как разблокировать всех персонажей в Наруто Шиппуден: Ultimate Ninja 4 в том числе:

  • Список персонажей — Какие символы могут быть разблокированы.
  • История Миссии — Какие миссии вам нужно выполнить, чтобы разблокировать персонажей.

Рин — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Мальчики посреди войны» на пути Ян в главе «Два бесподобных воина».

Обито (Берсерк) — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Зверь, рычащий в трагическом дожде» на янском пути главы «Два бесподобных воина».

Ханаби (последний) — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Команда 7 воссоединилась» в главе «Объединенный фронт».

Обито (Десять Хвостов Джинчурики) — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Обито Учиха» в главе Объединенного фронта.

Гай (Великая война ниндзя) — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Формирование восьми внутренних ворот» в главе «Финальная битва».

Мадара (Шесть Путей) — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Хаос на планете» в главе «Финальная битва».

Наруто (Мудрец Шести Путей) — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Хаос на планете» в главе «Финальная битва».

Саске (Ринне Шаринган) — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Хаос на планете» в главе «Финальная битва».

Какаши (Двойной Шаринган) — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Победитель истории» в главе «Финальная битва».

Кагуя Оцуцуки — Завершите сюжетную миссию «Победитель истории» в главе «Финальная битва».

Вы также можете разблокировать костюмы для Наруто, Саске, Сакуры и Хинаты из «Последнего», завершив рассказ, если вы не получили сезонный пропуск.

Вот и все для руководства по разблокировке всех персонажей в Наруто Шиппуден: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Дайте знать, если у вас появятся вопросы!

Combo Canceling

When fighting harder opponents, you’ll want to know how to cancel combos. This is useful for linking longer combos, avoiding strong attacks, and protecting against substitutions. There are 3 ways to cancel a combo:

  • Chakra Dash Cancel — This is the most common form. Just load up chakra and do a dash in the middle of a combo.

    This makes you dash right at the enemy so you can begin a new combo. If you do it right, you can keep the enemy in a nonstop combo, and they will have to use substitution or support to get out.

  • Jump Cancel — Simply press the jump button in the middle of a combo. 

    This protects you when they substitute in the middle of your combo because you can block or dash into them for another combo.

  • Ninja Move Cancel — This is when you jump while pressing a direction. It causes your character to move to a different location and works just like jump cancel.

    You can position yourself using this method and set up other attacks.

Chakra Dash is the easiest to keep combos going, but it takes up a lot of chakra. Support can also mess it up and if you don’t time it right when an opponent substitutes, they will get the first attack. Jump is the safest, followed by Ninja Move.

Kaguya Otsutsuki

Kaguya isn’t exactly a fan-favorite character. She’s included in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 because of her major part in the narrative, but fans of the manga/anime never really took a liking to her. She wasn’t exactly around for very long and her fight against the protagonists didn’t shine as much as previous ones. But she still manages to be the most unique character in the entire game, as well as remaining extremely dangerous.

Like Tenten, Kaguya has an extended ranged combo, except her final attack its in 360 degrees. She also has some really powerful melee combos, but that’s not what makes her special. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 introduces several new features, one of them being elemental effects. Kaguya is unique in that she can fully exploit them all by changing the world you’re fighting in.

All characters have access to ninja tools except for Kaguya. She instead has the ability to change the world around her to sand, ice, or fire. Her move-set changes along with world, adding range and damage depending on the location. This is perfect for cancelling advantages of others, or giving yourself a few.



Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 has very simple battle controls. Unlike a lot of other fighting games, Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 doesn’t benefit from long combo lists that many fighting game players can master and perform in competitive play.

You’ll only be using two inputs to attack and perform combos (TRIANGLE and CIRCLE for the PS4) and it’s very easy to spam CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, to get a good combo off. Yes, you can mix in the X button or tilt the analog stick to vary up the combo but the crux of your fighting is done with those two inputs.

Evasion Techniques

R2 is the block button and you’ll use this to block opponent’s item tosses and strikes. However, THROWS will bypass any block. You can block by holding down R2 and then pressing CIRCLE.

You can also GUARD BLOCK, which acts as a counter, to push your enemy back allowing you to close the gap and perform combos of your own. This, however, needs precise timing.

If blocking is not your game, you can also press X and the analog left or right to flip to either side to avoid shuriken or ranged jutsu. It’s a nifty trick that also needs some timing but if mastered can save you some health and chakra.

And when you’re hit backwards, hold the X button to rebound off the ground quickly so you can get back on the offensive.


The shinobi of Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 are all equipped with various weapons that help you in the right situations.

Your SQUARE button will launch kunai that you can use to inflict damage from afar, put distance between you and your opponent or it can stop your opponent from charging their chakra either by hitting them or causing them to stop and block.

Players also have four other weapons they can use by pressing one of the direction buttons on the control pad. You have paper bombs that can penetrate blocks, ground traps to keep you safe while you charge up your chakra. You can have your shinobi charge attack your opponent to break their guard and leave them temporarily stunned. Each character has different weapons. Try them all to see which works best for you.


A ninja ( 忍者 ) or shinobi ( 忍び ) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan. The functions of the ninja included: espionage, sabotage, infiltration, assassination and guerrilla warfare. Their covert methods of waging irregular warfare were deemed «dishonorable» and «beneath» the samurai-caste, who observed strict rules about honor and combat. The shinobi proper, a specially trained group of spies and mercenaries, appeared in the Sengoku or «warring states» period, in the 15th century, but antecedents may have existed in the 14th century, and possibly in the 12th century (Heian or early Kamakura era).

In the unrest of the Sengoku period (15th–17th centuries), mercenaries and spies for hire became active in the Iga Province and the adjacent area around the village of Kōga, and it is from the area’s clans that much of our knowledge of the ninja is drawn. Following the unification of Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate (17th century), the ninja faded into obscurity. A number of shinobi manuals, often based on Chinese military philosophy, were written in the 17th and 18th centuries, most notably the Bansenshukai (1676).


Kabuto has evolved throughout the series from that medical ninja who helped you during the Chunin exams to a psychotic man who wanted to become Orochimaru. He did a damn good job, because he’s certainly replaced the legendary Sannin member in terms of usefulness in combat. Kabuto’s movements and combos mimic those of his mentor’s pretty closely adding a bit of modifications to each chain, but it’s his jutsu that makes him a standout.

Kabuto’s attacks reach far and wide. You can easily hit a character from across the arena even if they happen to dodge left or right. Where most jutsu either have just a far reach or just a wide range, Kabuto benefits from both. That makes him perfect for tough fights against fast opponents, or even for if you need to hit an Awakened beast.

Боевая система

Несмотря на то, что проект японский, игры серии Ultimate Ninja Storm всегда были проще своих ближайших конкурентов. Тут нет необходимости изучать тонны комбо, как в случае с теми же играми серии «Tekken». Для успешного ведения боя с ботами, вам потребуется выучить, как создавать ниндзюцу, использовать кнопку ближнего боя, кнопку дальних атак, захват, дзюцу подмены и не забывать про правый стик для смены персонажей. То, когда и чем пользоваться в конкретной ситуации, становится интуитивной понятно во время первого обучающего боя между двумя создателями деревни Коноха.

Однако, несмотря на всю простоту ведения боя в теории, по мере прохождения ранее изученных легких комбо со временем становится недостаточно. Спустя время, дзюцу подмены не сможет полноценно контратаковать, поэтому приходится искать подходящий момент для атаки. Простота-простотой, а навык придется нарабатывать. Особенно это актуально для матчей онлайн. Порой, кажется, что противник сутками не вылезал из своей Nintendo Switch, иначе как объяснить то, что он вас победил, а вы даже защиту его до конца не пробили?

После каждого боя вы получаете ранг. Он зависит от того, выполняли ли вы дополнительные задания во время боя (их обычно 3), и как именно вы их выполнили.

При всей, казалось бы, незамысловатости боевой системы, сами схватки поставлены с любовью к культуре японского аниме и мультфильмам о Наруто . То, как отрисованы каждые элементы поединка (от персонажей до кунаев), заставляет пальцы дрожать от предвкушения, когда персонажи выходят на арену.

Верхнее и нижнее комбо

Многие не знают, что в этой игре есть 3 базовых комбо: обычное, верхнее и нижнее. И если с обычным все ясно, то как же тогда использовать два остальных? На самом деле очень просто. Верхнее комбо осуществляется направлением левого стика вверх (на клавиатуре просто идти вверх и бить), это комбо отправляет противника в воздух, где его можно поймать рывком чакры и продолжить комбо, но уже воздушное. Нижнее комбо делается в противовес верхнему, то есть направляем стик вниз, тем самым мы проводим нижнее комбо.

Тилт – это дополнительная способность персонажа. У каждого персонажа она своя, причем даже у некоторых костюмов одного и того же персонажа тилты отличаются. Возьмем, например, Какаши. Его тилт заключается в Камуи, технике, которая поглощает любые атаки, будь то сюрикены или же чье-то дзюцу, но у того же персонажа в другом костюме тилт отличается. У второго костюма Какаши тилт – небольшое комбо ближнего боя.

Тилт делается следующим образом: левый стик в сторону и сразу B. Чтобы научиться применять тилт правильно, следует потренироваться.

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