Руководство sea of ​​thieves the sunken pearl tall tale

Finish The Chess Game With Captain Bones’ Special Recipe

Now that the Cursed Captain is released you you can head over to the two skeletons playing chess. Place his head here as you will need him later. Also, look to the table on your left in this room as the first journal will be sitting here for you to take.

Light the candle on the table, then head back to the area with the platforms and pulleys. You will find Captain Bones’ Special Recipe in an alcove to the right of the two platforms. If you need more help finding it this guide can serve as a great reference.

Once you have it, head back to the skeletons and put it in the cup on the right. This will cause the skeleton’s head to explode, which is where you will put the Cursed Captain’s skull. However, first, you need a buy-in which requires you to follow a set of clues.

The Cursed Rogue Tall Tale

The Sea of Thieves Cursed Rogue Tall Tale is picked up at Plunder Outpost in the Order of Souls tent. Chat to Madame Olivia to get going and let’s take on Captain Briggsy!

  1. Your first task is to find a Skeleton Key. Read your book in the radial menu and study the sketches and text (it will usually mention the crop of islands like the ‘Southern Ancient Isles’ to narrow it down.) It’s usually Snake Island or Devil’s Ridge, but it could also be Shark Bait Cove.
  2. You’ll know you’re in the right place if you hear skeletons muttering. Focus on the Captain and nab the key they leave behind. Don’t drop it!
  3. Now study the next story to find the chest, which is usually at Crook’s Hollow, Plunder Valley or Thieves’ Haven. Find the general area like the ‘Northern Ancient Isles’ in the text and head to the closest one.
  4. Repeat step 2 and find the location of the last picture in your book on your island, which is where you need to dig for the chest
  5. Take the chest items back to Madame Olivia and swap them for an Enchanted Compass. Follow it to Captain Briggsy.
  6. Kill Briggsy (watch out for the teleport shtick) and take her skull back to Madame Olivia. 

The Art of the Trickster Tall Tale

Kick off this quest by heading to Plunder Valley and speaking to the skeleton parrot, Salty, who can be found near the shore next to a wrecked ship and a campfire.

  1. Once you have the book, head to the other side of the island and into a cave full of spooky skeletons. Follow the instructions in the book to move their hands into position to unlock a cage which has a special spyglass and more text to decipher.
  2. This leads to a set of spyglass puzzles. Follow the birds-eye depictions of either Plunder Valley or Discovery Ridge and find the wooden planks to stand on. Look down your spyglass and line up the two items in the skull’s eyes. In the mouth of the skull will be an X. Head there and dig three times.
  3. Once you dig for the third time you’ll get the keg, which will set off a suite of explosions on your given island. Run to your ship with the keg and don’t die here, or you’ll have to start from the beginning.
  4. Now head to the cave in the centre of Sailor’s Bounty which is chock full of traps to contend with. Don’t lose the keg and place it on the totem mount once you get to the end.
  5. Fight tons of skeletons and then the captain to get another totem. Head to the designated island depending on your totem and enter the vault. Fight more spooky skeletons by lighting the braziers. 
  6. Defeat the Guardians of the Vault for three medallions, which you then have to place in the table. Finally, take the stone back to Salty, the quest giver.

The Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale

Head over to Ancient Spire Outpost and speak to the barkeep Tasha, who Olivia mentioned whilst wrapping up The Cursed Rogue. Vote for the tale and get ready for an adventure.

  1. Book in hand, follow the childish drawings to the described islands. There are three different stories to complete per instance, and they’re randomised so this one is down to you. One of ours was called ‘Naughty Man’ and took us to Scurvy Isle, but it varies. Look for the island names and compass directions for hints.
  2. Once you’re on the island look for where the book shows a shining yellow chest. Head to that landmark and dig it up. Do this three times for the two keys and the chest.
  3. Unlock the chest with the keys to receive a… plank of wood with bits cut out. It’s ok though, flip it over for a co-ordinate to follow. 
  4. Head to that island then line up the cut parts of the wood with a landmark on the island and the tiny chest cutout will be where you need to dig. Ours had us lining up the shark statue in the middle of Shark Bait Cove and digging on the sandy shore, but again, it varies.
  5. Take the item you find back to the lovely Tasha to wrap up the mission. 

How Voyages work in Sea of Thieves

The type of quest you’ll likely encounter most frequently are Voyages, which form the backbone of the Sea of Thieves experience. These are guided activities which lead to one or more islands on the ocean, where you’ll be required to complete a specific task.

Each Voyage type offers a a slightly different focus, and can be purchased from those representing four of the seven available factions (Hunter’s Call, Reaper’s Bones and Sea Dogs don’t offer Voyages).

Three of these four Trading Companies — the Merchant Alliance, the Gold Hoarders, and the Order of Souls — can be found at each of the seven outposts on the Sea of Thieves:

  • and in the Shores of Plenty
  • and in the Ancient Isles
  • and in The Wilds
  • in The Devil’s Roar

Trading Companies found in The Devil’s Roar, incidentally, while functionally similarly to those elsewhere, offer tougher quests with higher rewards.

The other Trading Company which offers Voyages, Athena’s Fortune, is only accessible to Pirate Legends from within the Legendary Hideout.

Let’s go through these one-by-one.

The Gold Hoarders indulge in the classic pirate activity of treasure hunting, handing out treasure and riddle maps that lead to loot on specific islands.

Some take the form of an X-marks-the-spot maps, and you’ll first need to visually determine your destination by comparing its island to those on your ship’s ocean-wide map. Riddle maps, meanwhile, will name your destination in the first line, and then gradually reveal clues relating to landmarks on that island.

Voyages are completed once you’ve located all associated treasure for the current Voyage, but you won’t get gold rewards or Reputation until you hand that loot over to a Gold Hoarder representative at any outpost.

The Order of Souls concerns itself with the acquisition of unearthly knowledge, siphoned from the skulls of the undead. As such, the Trading Company’s quests demand that you search out and defeat fabled Skeleton Captains and their crews, turning their skulls over to an Order of Souls representative once the deed has been done.

Mechanically, Order of Souls Voyages are probably the simplest available; each time, you’re told exactly which island to visit and how many Captains you’ll need to defeat in order to compete the voyage. Do remember that while Voyages end once all targets have been eliminated, you won’t get any gold or Reputation until their skulls have been turned in.

The Merchant Alliance specialises in procuring and shipping trading goods and their Voyages comes in two flavours. Basic voyages will require you to locate a animals — pigs, snakes, and chickens — of specific colours and then drop them off with a Merchant Alliance vendor at a named location.

The second type of Merchant Alliance Voyage takes the form of a Cargo Run, requiring you to collect a number of goods from an NPC (often but not always located on the starting outpost), as listed on the Voyage itself. Then it’s a matter of delivering them to another NPC, located at another outpost, a seapost, or even an island.

Goods must be delivered before the deadline (use the stopwatch in your inventory to keep track of time) and can deteriorate if mishandled, reducing the reward granted upon delivery; plants must be kept wet, rum bottles must be kept unbroken (jumping, falling, and impact will damage them), and cloth must be kept dry, so avoid storms and dunking them in the ocean. Unlike other Trading Companies, Merchant Alliance Voyages are only completed once all goods have been delivered.

Athena’s Fortune is a faction for Pirate Legends that have proven their worth elsewhere on the Sea of Thieves, and its Legendary Voyages are lengthy undertakings. Each generally consists of eight individual Voyages selected randomly from across the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, and Merchant Alliance, so expect a lot of variety here.

Артефакты — лучший предмет для сбора.

Какими бы замечательными ни были некоторые предметы коллекционирования в видеоиграх, вы всегда должны спрашивать себя, действительно ли они стоят таких хлопот. В случае с Tales of Arise предметы коллекционирования, которые вы могли бы подумать, что собирать их, на самом деле невероятно важны, особенно если вы хотите идти в каждую битву полностью экипированным и способным надрать большую задницу. 

Некоторые артефакты, такие как статуя Золотого счастливого кота (которая увеличивает количество очков навыков, которые вы зарабатываете в бою) и Серебряный доспех (который увеличивает ваш опыт на 20%), являются обязательными, если вы хотите достичь 100 уровня. Эти артефакты можно найти, выполняя различные под-квесты. Чтобы найти их, вернитесь в места, которые вы давно не посещали — весьма вероятно, что там будут доступны необходимые квесты.


Продолжение увлекательной истории о поисках Золотых берегов. Одно прохождение занимает чуть больше часа. За каждое выполнение этого задания вы получите 8000 золота, а также достижение за первое прохождение:Чтобы получить следующее достижение, необходимо пройти данное приключение 5 раз и получить все внутриигровые достижения, связанные с ним.Заметки:

  • После названия острова, к которому необходимо отправиться, в скобках указаны координаты.
  • Направления могут убыть указаны сокращенно, например СЗ – северо-запад или ЮВВ – юго-восток-восток соответственно.

Также, после получения всех внутриигровых достижений, вы получите доступ к парусам Бриггси. Мелочь – но приятно.
Предыдущая часть прохождения здесь:

Как отремонтировать свой корабль в Sea of ​​Thieves

Вступаете ли вы в бой или наткнетесь на неровные камни, скорее всего, вам в какой-то момент может потребоваться срочный ремонт — в противном случае вы рискуете потопить свой корабль.

Первое, что вам нужно сделать, это найти пробоины в корпусе — часто они находятся под палубой — и могут начать течь вода в корабль. Чем больше пробоин, тем быстрее будет подниматься вода, в результате чего ваши нижние палубы будут полностью погружены под воду.

В одной из бочек под палубой будут доски, которые вы можете нести, чтобы отремонтировать дыры в корабле, и после их ремонта корабль перестанет протекать.

Затем вам нужно будет использовать свой ковш, чтобы спасти воду — и вам может потребоваться несколько членов экипажа, которые будут работать так быстро, чтобы устранить ущерб, прежде чем он станет необратимым. Ведро первым должно быть использовано для сбора воды, затем сбросила сторону корабля , пока воды не остаются на корабле.

Как использовать пушки корабля в Sea of ​​Thieves

Чтобы убедиться, что ваш корабль хорошо защищен — или чтобы совершить побег, вам следует ознакомиться с пушками. По обеим сторонам корабля есть пушки, с которыми может взаимодействовать любой, но вам нужно сначала захватить пушечные ядра под палубой из одной из бочек.

Имея в руках пушечные ядра, вы можете загрузить их в желаемую пушку (вы заметите предохранитель, если пушка заряжена). После этого вы можете прицелиться и стрелять, если в вашем инвентаре будет больше ядер.

Если вы предпочитаете стрелять из себя, а не из пушечного ядра , вам нужно сначала разрядить любое пушечное ядро, которое находится внутри пушки, а затем шагнуть к передней части пушки, пока вы не увидите возможность забраться внутрь. Изнутри вы можете прицелиться и запускайте себя, когда будете готовы к безумному побегу.

The Shroudbreaker Tall Tale

The Sea of Thieves Shroudbreaker Tall Tale is the first in the game and you can pick it up as soon as you log in. Head over to the Mysterious Stranger in any given tavern and vote for it atop the barrel to his right. As he will explain, this mission is all about finding the Shroudbreaker, a key item locked up in an ancient vault. Here’s how to beat it.

  1. Your first task is to find the Magpie’s Wing ship log, which is in an underwater shipwreck on the North side of the uncharted island at N13, amidst some books.
  2. Now with the extra pages of the book unlocked, read the ship log, study the descriptions and follow the listed compass directions to find the island where the chest ended up. This part is different for everyone,
  3. Once you find it, retrieve it from the briny depths and unlock it to grab a totem that differs each time you play. Read your book once more and use the ship map to pinpoint the shape of the island depicted that you need to head to.
  4. Go there, search the island for symbols relating to your totem (usually painted on rocks) and find the tiny totem slot to unlock the ancient cave.
  5. Now in the chamber, consult your book to the right of the island sketch, and you’ll see a row of three symbol combinations. Light the four braziers with your lantern and rotate the blocks accordingly, pressing the middle button after each row.
  6. Now the brazier table will have an image on top that dictates where three medallions are. Luckily they’re on the island, so just match the location shown and dig them up!
  7. Return to the brazier table with the medallions, plug them in and grab the Shroudbreaker behind a hidden door.
  8. Return to any nearby outpost (do NOT drop this item in the water) and hand it to the stranger to complete the quest.

Stars of a Thief Tall Tale

You Sea of Thieves Stars of a Thief mission in the middle of nowhere. Head to Sudds counter at the Northern Star Seapost to vote on the book and listen to his lovely Scottish accent.

  1. Read the book you get which will tell two stories: If it says “one small island made of two,” go to Twin Groves. “Face the North Star… hidden out of sight” means Rum Runner Isle.
  2. Use the landmark description to find the chest on either island and dig up the Enchanted Spyglass. Ours was betwixt two rocks on Twin Groves.
  3. This special spyglass can see constellations which, for the sake of simplicity, are compass directions you need to follow. This is the key to the next two puzzles to find the Star Jewels.
  4. There are multiple randomised stories. Ours was called “Lost an Eye” and mentioned heading in “One Eye’s direction far from my seapost.” One Eye refers to the one-eyed shark constellation denoted in the index in your book, which (once you find it in the sky) is South by compass. Follow these rules to find the islands you need. 
  5. Once you’ve got the jewels head to the uncharted island at N13 and dive to the underwater tunnel. Look for the Grecian column in the water to find it. 
  6. Place the jewels to be given a totem. Also, grab the scroll below the star jewel receptacle for extra pages to help you solve the next puzzle. Without it, you’ll be stumped.
  7. The totem corresponds to a certain island with a totem slot. Hopefully, you’ll get the Crab Totem which is just behind you in the cave where the crab symbols are. Look out for the symbols corresponding to your totem. 
  8. Once you’ve opened the vault, you’ve got another block spinning puzzle. This time, the last page of your book will read out a poem that you have to decipher. 
  9. Each line relates to the description of a constellation in your index, so study that. Warmonger means Great Warrior for example. Match the eight symbols and make the two inputs to receive the Shroudbreaker. Take this back to our mate Suddsy.
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